Cartoon pic of me, Oliver


Cartoon pic of me, Oliver


Contact Me

Connect With YOUR Audience Using Organic SEO

Thought-leadership, piquing interest and talking to the correct audience are the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and long-term customer acquisition.

My organic SEO services are proven to increase web traffic and lead generation.

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A screenshot of an article talking about data mesh

Talk for your Clients

I believe that by educating, inspiring, amusing or helping people with content is the most effective way to build awareness, trust and custom. This is the fundamental building block for my organic search engine optimisation services.

The service encompasses technical SEO to optimise your current site. Keyword research and competitor analysis determine opportunities and low hanging fruit to form a plan of attack.

From there I will concentrate on SEO optimised content, link building and continual improvement of your owned channels.

If you are interested, the best port-of-call is to arrange a chat to discuss your needs.

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My past two projects resulted in...

> 1000 % Growth

For a technology start-up, I grew their organic web traffic from under 200 monthly visitors to over 10,000, generating over 1,200 leads in just 12 months.

125 % Growth

An established B2B food manufacturer saw their web visitors increase from 2,000 monthly visitors to 4,500 visitors in under 12 months and exponentially improved lead generation.

The Key Is Consistency

Organic SEO is not a quick fix. It takes time for changes to correlate across search engines, but with the right craft and care, results can steadily increase month by month.

I would recommend hiring me for a minimum of three months to start to see an increase in web traffic and website generated enquiries. If you have junior marketing staff I can teach best practices so you can continue without my assistance and still reap the rewards.

Mock up of google browser on desktop

3 Month Starter Package

A three month package would enable provide you with 48 hours of my time. This includes SEO tools such as Ahrefs saving you further money on software packages.

16 hours per month x 3

Site Audit

Topic & Keyword Research

SEO Plan

On-Page Optimisation

Internal Link Building

External Link Building

SEO Optimised Content Generation

Prices from £1,800

Oliver's exceptional contributions to the CAMS project, spanning marketing services, web design and development, and content marketing, have been instrumental in raising awareness and support for this crucial initiative. His commitment to disaster resilience, combined with his technical expertise, has significantly advanced the CAMS project's mission to help communities become more resilient in the face of disasters. Oliver's dedication and multifaceted skill set make him an invaluable asset to any project focused on disaster risk reduction.

Head shot of Dr. Peter Williams, Network Leader; Chair (ARISE USA)

Dr. Peter Williams

Network Leader; Chair (ARISE USA)

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