Cartoon pic of me, Oliver


Cartoon pic of me, Oliver


Contact Me

Lightning Quick React Websites To Showcase Your Business

Beautiful and highly performant websites and blogs crafted to your spec.

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Screenshot of an app I built
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Oliver's exceptional contributions to the CAMS project, spanning marketing services, web design and development, and content marketing, have been instrumental in raising awareness and support for this crucial initiative. His commitment to disaster resilience, combined with his technical expertise, has significantly advanced the CAMS project's mission to help communities become more resilient in the face of disasters. Oliver's dedication and multifaceted skill set make him an invaluable asset to any project focused on disaster risk reduction.

Head shot of Dr. Peter Williams, Network Leader; Chair (ARISE USA)

Dr. Peter Williams

Network Leader; Chair (ARISE USA)

A website for the best of you

With a background spanning tech start-ups and multi-nationals, I understand the need to tailor your website around your specifics.

React frameworks enable tailor-made functionality. Whether that is interactive tools or custom layouts that template sites cannot handle, I can craft a website to showcase exactly what your customers need to see.

Talk your needs
useEffect(() => {
    if (user && selectedCommunity) {
      const fetchData = async() => {
        try {
          const data = await getUsersCommunityPosts(+user.user_id, selectedCommunity.community_id, filter)

        } catch(error:any) {
  },[user, selectedCommunity, filter])

Here's some of my work...

Portfolio website example.
Screen shot of the API JSON response of the example project.
A front end news website screenshot build with React.
A screenshot of a mobile phone showing the game sliders.
a laptop with a screenshot of my meteorite web app.
A screenshot of CSS Cheater a website with copyable web templtes.
Screenshot of a laptop with a beautiful website showing the tiniest of trolls.
Example Next.js app.

Create stunning websites

Build with vanilla HTML, SCSS and JavaScript.

Example costs...

The cost of your React site depends on your needs. How many pages, what level of customisation and many other factors. A site like this for example would cost in the region of £1,000.

Prices start from £1,000

My working process...

I'm a methodical person. I typically work in the following way. The best thing to do is to get in touch with an overview of what you want. This will give me chance to do a bit of research before we speak.

Discuss needs

Our first port of call would be to meet or have a call to talk about your needs and timescales.

Proposal & Quote

I'll put together a proposal and quote that details everything I will including cost breakdowns.


Wireframes (if not supplied) will be sent for you to approve before development begins.

Build and Test

I'll get to work in a dev environment, testing as I build. After a demo, and with your approval, I will deploy your app.

Get in touch to begin...

Send me a message to arrange a chat.

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